Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Andrew P. Lushington (2018). Development of Nanostructures by Atomic and Molecular Layer Deposition. Supervisor: Sun, Xueliang. Canada: The University of Western Ontario. VLS-PGM Materials
Andrew Wong (2018). Designing microporous layers for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: pore network modelling and fabrication. Supervisor: Bazylak, Aimy. Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto. BMIT-BM Materials
Arumugam Arthanari Arumugam; Annal (2018). ON THE SLIDING PRINCIPLE OF MICROFLUIDIC DEVICES FOR A POTENTIAL USE IN SORTING CELLS OF DIFFERENT SIZES WITH ONE DEVICE. Supervisor: Dr. Chris Zhang. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. SYLMAND Materials
Carolyn C. F Cadogan (2018). Properties of Si quantum dots. Supervisor: Simpson, Peter J.. Canada: The University of Western Ontario. SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Chevrier, Daniel M.; Raich, Lluís; Rovira, Carme; Das, Anindita; Luo, Zhentao et al. (2018). Molecular-Scale Ligand Effects in Small Gold–Thiolate Nanoclusters. Journal of the American Chemical Society 140(45) . 10.1021/jacs.8b09440. CLS-APS Materials
He, Shuijian; Turnbull, Matthew J.; Nie, Yuting; Sun, Xuhui; Ding, Zhifeng et al. (2018). Band structures of blue luminescent nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots by synchrotron-based XPS. Surface Science 676, 51-55. 10.1016/j.susc.2018.01.013. CLS-APS, VLS-PGM Materials
Jiang, Shan; Hu, Yue; Chen, Shoushun; Huang, Yining; Song, Yang et al. (2018). Elucidation of the Structural Origins and Contrasting Guest–Host Interactions in CO 2 ‐Loaded CdSDB and PbSDB Metal–Organic Frameworks at High Pressures. Chemistry - A European Journal 24(72) , 19280-19288. 10.1002/chem.201804069. CLS-APS Materials
Li, Qingyin; He, Peng; Jarvis, Jack; Bhattacharya, Amit; Mao, Xiaohui et al. (2018). Catalytic co-aromatization of methane and heptane as an alkane model compound over Zn-Ga/ZSM-5: A mechanistic study. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 236, 13-24. 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.05.006. SGM Materials
Liu, Long; Chen, Ning; Lei, Yong; Xue, Xuyan; Li, Lina et al. (2018). Micro-nanostructured δ-Bi2O3 with surface oxygen vacancies as superior adsorbents for SeOx2− ions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 360, 279-287. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.08.025. HXMA Materials
Li, Y.S.; Ye, F.; Corona, J.; Taheri, M.; Zhang, C. et al. (2018). CVD deposition of nanocrystalline diamond coatings on implant alloy materials with CrN/Al interlayer. Surface and Coatings Technology 353, 364-369. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.07.108. SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Mazhar, Waqas; Klymyshyn, David M.; Tayfeh Aligodarz, Matt; Ganguly, Shaon; Qureshi, Aqeel Ahmad et al. (2018). CPW fed grid dielectric resonator antennas with enhanced gain and bandwidth. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering 29(3) , e21639. 10.1002/mmce.21639. SYLMAND Materials
McLeod, J. A. (2018). Correlating Electronic Structure of Metal Oxide Nanomaterials to Device Performance Using Synchrotron-Excited X-Ray Spectroscopy. . 10.1109/asdam.2018.8544465. REIXS Materials
Melli, S. Ali; Wahid, Khan A.; Babyn, Paul; Cooper, David M.L.; Hasan, Ahmed M. et al. (2018). A wavelet gradient sparsity based algorithm for reconstruction of reduced-view tomography datasets obtained with a monochromatic synchrotron-based X-ray source. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 69, 69-81. 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2018.08.005. BMIT-BM Materials
qiliang wei (2018). Advanced Carbon-Based Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Applications. Supervisor: Sun, Shuhui. QC: INRS. HXMA, SGM, SM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Shivhare, Atal; Scott, Robert W.J. (2018). Au 25 clusters as precursors for the synthesis of AuPd bimetallic nanoparticles with isolated atomic Pd-surface sites. Molecular Catalysis 457, 33-40. 10.1016/j.mcat.2018.07.015. HXMA Materials