Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
ZUO, Yongquan; HAN, Lina; BAO, Weiren; CHANG, Liping; WANG, Jiancheng et al. (2013). Effect of CuSAPO-34 catalyst preparation method on NOx removal from diesel vehicle exhausts. Chinese Journal of Catalysis 34(6) , 1112-1122. 10.1016/s1872-2067(11)60517-2. SXRMB
Zoraghi, Roya; Worrall, Liam; See, Raymond H.; Strangman, Wendy; Popplewell, Wendy L. et al. (2011). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Pyruvate Kinase as a Target for Bis-indole Alkaloids with Antibacterial Activities. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(52) , 44716-44725. 10.1074/jbc.m111.289033. [PDB: 3t05, 3t07] CMCF-ID Health
Ziolkowski, L. A.; Mykytczuk, N. C. S.; Omelon, C. R.; Johnson, H.; Whyte, L. G. et al. (2013). Arctic Gypsum Endoliths: a biogeochemical characterization of a viable and active microbial community. Biogeosciences Discussions , 2269-2304. 10.5194/bgd-10-2269-2013. VESPERS
Ziaei-azad, Hessam; Yin, Cindy-Xing; Shen, Jing; Hu, Yongfeng; Karpuzov, Dimitre et al. (2013). Size- and structure-controlled mono- and bimetallic Ir–Pd nanoparticles in selective ring opening of indan. Journal of Catalysis 300, 113-124. 10.1016/j.jcat.2013.01.004. SXRMB
Zhu, Zangen; Wahid, Khan; Babyn, Paul; Cooper, David; Pratt, Isaac et al. (2013). Improved Compressed Sensing-Based Algorithm for Sparse-View CT Image Reconstruction. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (discontinued) 2013, 1-15. 10.1155/2013/185750. BMIT-BM Materials
Zhu, Ying; Zhang, Honglin; Bewer, Brian; Florin Gh. Popescu, Bogdan; Nichol, Helen et al. (2008). Field flatteners fabricated with a rapid prototyper for K-edge subtraction imaging of small animals. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators. Spectrometers. Detectors and Associated Equipment 588(3) , 442-447. 10.1016/j.nima.2007.12.035. HXMA
Zhu, Xueyong; Yu, Wenli; McBride, Ryan; Li, Yan; Chen, Li-Mei et al. (2013). Hemagglutinin homologue from H17N10 bat influenza virus exhibits divergent receptor-binding and pH-dependent fusion activities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(4) , 1458-1463. 10.1073/pnas.1218509110. [PDB: 4i78] CMCF-ID Health
Zhu, Ning; Chapman, Dean; Cooper, David; Schreyer, David J.; Chen, Xiongbiao et al. (2011). X-Ray Diffraction Enhanced Imaging as a Novel Method to Visualize Low-Density Scaffolds in Soft Tissue Engineering. Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods 17(11) , 1071-1080. 10.1089/ten.tec.2011.0102. BMIT-BM Materials
Zhou, X. T.; Zhou, J. G.; Murphy, M. W.; Ko, J. Y. P.; Heigl, F. et al. (2008). The effect of the surface of SnO2 nanoribbons on their luminescence using x-ray absorption and luminescence spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics 128(14) , 144703. 10.1063/1.2841419. SGM
Zhou, Jigang; Zhou, Xingtai; Li, Ruying; Sun, Xueliang; Ding, Zhifeng et al. (2009). Electronic structure and luminescence center of blue luminescent carbon nanocrystals. Chemical Physics Letters 474(4-6) , 320-324. 10.1016/j.cplett.2009.04.075. SGM
Zhou, Jigang; Liu, Hao; Wang, Fengping; Simpson, Todd; Sham, Tsun-Kong et al. (2013). An electrochemical approach to fabricating honeycomb assemblies from multiwall carbon nanotubes. Carbon 59, 130-139. 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.03.001. SGM
Zhou, Jigang; Booker, Christina; Li, Ruying; Sun, Xueliang; Sham, Tsun-Kong et al. (2010). Electrochemistry and electrochemiluminescence study of blue luminescent carbon nanocrystals. Chemical Physics Letters 493(4-6) , 296-298. 10.1016/j.cplett.2010.05.030.
Zhou, J. G.; Thompson, J.; Cutler, J.; Blyth, R.; Kasrai, M. et al. (2010). Resolving the Chemical Variation of Phosphates in Thin ZDDP Tribofilms by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Using Synchrotron Radiation: Evidence for Ultraphosphates and Organic Phosphates. Tribology Letters 39(1) , 101-107. 10.1007/s11249-010-9619-z. SGM
Zhou, J. G.; Fang, H. T.; Maley, J. M.; Ko, J. Y. P.; Murphy, M. et al. (2009). An X-ray Absorption, Photoemission, and Raman Study of the Interaction between SnO2 Nanoparticle and Carbon Nanotube. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113(15) , 6114-6117. 10.1021/jp810639y. SGM
Zhou, J. G.; Fang, H. T.; Hu, Y. F.; Sham, T. K.; Wu, C. X. et al. (2009). Immobilization of RuO2 on Carbon Nanotube: An X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113(24) , 10747-10750. 10.1021/jp902871b. SGM, SXRMB