Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Hackett, Mark J.; Sylvain, Nicole J.; Hou, Huishu; Caine, Sally; Alaverdashvili, Mariam et al. (2016). Concurrent Glycogen and Lactate Imaging with FTIR Spectroscopy To Spatially Localize Metabolic Parameters of the Glial Response Following Brain Ischemia. Analytical Chemistry 88(22) , 10949-10956. 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02588. MID-IR Health
Tu, Kaiyang; Lardner, Michael J.; Morhart, Tyler A.; Rosendahl, Scott M.; Creighton, Steven et al. (2016). Spatial Mapping of Methanol Oxidation Activity on a Monolithic Variable-Composition PtNi Alloy Using Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120(41) , 23640-23647. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b08127. MID-IR Materials
Hoffman, Jason D.; Kirby, Brian J.; Kwon, Jihwan; Fabbris, Gilberto; Meyers, D. et al. (2016). Oscillatory Noncollinear Magnetism Induced by Interfacial Charge Transfer in Superlattices Composed of Metallic Oxides. Physical Review X 6(4) . 10.1103/physrevx.6.041038. REIXS
Van Kuiken, Benjamin E.; Hahn, Anselm W.; Maganas, Dimitrios; DeBeer, Serena (2016). Measuring Spin-Allowed and Spin-Forbidden d–d Excitations in Vanadium Complexes with 2p3d Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering. Inorganic Chemistry 55(21) . 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b02053. REIXS
Morasch, Robert; Kwabi, David G.; Tulodziecki, Michal; Risch, Marcel; Zhang, Shiyu et al. (2016). Insights into Electrochemical Oxidation of NaO2 in Na–O2 Batteries via Rotating Ring Disk and Spectroscopic Measurements. ACS applied materials & interfaces 9(5) . 10.1021/acsami.6b08355. SGM Materials
Ebrahimizadeh Abrishami, Majid; Risch, Marcel; Scholz, Julius; Roddatis, Vladimir; Osterthun, Norbert et al. (2016). Oxygen Evolution at Manganite Perovskite Ruddlesden-Popper Type Particles: Trends of Activity on Structure, Valence and Covalence. Materials 9(11) , 921. 10.3390/ma9110921. SGM Materials
Blanchard, Peter E.R.; Grosvenor, Andrew P.; Rowson, John; Hughes, Kebbi; Brown, Caitlin et al. (2016). Identifying calcium-containing mineral species in the JEB Tailings Management Facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan. Applied Geochemistry 73, 98-108. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.08.001. SGM, SXRMB Environment
Alleon, Julien; Bernard, Sylvain; Le Guillou, Corentin; Daval, Damien; Skouri-Panet, Feriel et al. (2016). Early entombment within silica minimizes the molecular degradation of microorganisms during advanced diagenesis. Chemical Geology 437, 98-108. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.05.034. SGM Environment
Horrocks, Gregory A.; Braham, Erick J.; Liang, Yufeng; De Jesus, Luis R.; Jude, Joshua et al. (2016). Vanadium K-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy as a Probe of the Heterogeneous Lithiation of V2O5: First-Principles Modeling and Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120(42) , 23922-23932. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b06499. SM
Zhu, Xiaohui; Hitchcock, Adam P.; Bazylinski, Dennis A.; Denes, Peter; Joseph, John et al. (2016). Measuring spectroscopy and magnetism of extracted and intracellular magnetosomes using soft X-ray ptychography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(51) , E8219-E8227. 10.1073/pnas.1610260114. SM
Erbahar, Dogan; Susi, Toma; Rocquefelte, Xavier; Bittencourt, Carla; Scardamaglia, Mattia et al. (2016). Spectromicroscopy of C60 and azafullerene C59N: Identifying surface adsorbed water. Scientific Reports 6(1) , 35605. 10.1038/srep35605. SM
Wang, Meijun; Jia, Tinghao; Wang, Jiancheng; Hu, Yongfeng; Liu, Fenrong et al. (2016). Changes of sulfur forms in coal after tetrachloroethylene extraction and theirs transformations during pyrolysis. Fuel 186, 726-733. 10.1016/j.fuel.2016.09.007. SXRMB
Blanchard, Peter E.R.; Grosvenor, Andrew P.; Rowson, John; Hughes, Kebbi; Brown, Caitlin et al. (2016). Identifying calcium-containing mineral species in the JEB Tailings Management Facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan. Applied Geochemistry 73, 98-108. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.08.001. SGM, SXRMB Environment
Seidel, Sabrina; Patzig, Christian; Wisniewski, Wolfgang; Gawronski, Antje; Hu, Yongfeng et al. (2016). Characterizing the residual glass in a MgO/Al2O3/SiO2/ZrO2/Y2O3 glass-ceramic. Scientific Reports 6(1) , 34965. 10.1038/srep34965. SXRMB