Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Philip Adebayo Adene (2024). BIOGEOCHEMICAL IMPLICATIONS OF SULFATE-BASED COAGULANTS IN TREATED OIL SANDS FLUID FINE TAILINGS. Supervisor: Matthew Lindsay. Saskatoon, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . CMCF, SXRMB Environment
Seongdae Kang (2024). Development of naphthalene diimide-based n-type small-molecule organic mixed ionic-electronic conductor for the organic electrochemical transistor. Supervisor: Gupta, Manisha. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Univeristy of Alberta. BXDS-WLE Materials
Lu Yao (2024). Black TiO2 NTs and ZnO-TiO2 NTs Heterostructure: Synthesis, Characterization, and Synchrotron-based Spectroscopy Studies Characterization, and Synchrotron-based Spectroscopy Studies. Supervisor: Sham Tsun-Kong. Ontario, Canada: The University of Western Ontario. . REIXS, SGM Materials