Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Zhao, Xiaoliang; Zhao, Jian; Sun, Yuanyuan; Ouyang, Huan; Chen, Ning et al. (2022). Selenite capture by MIL-101 (Fe) through Fe O Se bonds at free coordination Fe sites. Journal of Hazardous Materials 424, 127715. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127715. HXMA Environment
Zhao, Shijing; Xu, Shishuai; Yao, Jinlei; Chen, Ning; Gong, Yutong et al. (2022). Elucidating the reaction pathway of crystalline multi-metal borides for highly efficient oxygen-evolving electrocatalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10(3) . 10.1039/d1ta09078j. HXMA Materials
Zhang, Zixin; Huang, Guohe; Li, Yongping; Chen, Xiujuan; Yao, Yao et al. (2022). Development of a Heterogeneous Electro-Fenton Ceramic Membrane Coated with Nanocomposite Catalyst for In-Situ Membrane Fouling Control. SSRN Electronic Journal . 10.2139/ssrn.4157491. HXMA Materials
Zhang, Zhuojun; Mao, Hairuo; Zhao, Zhi-Qi; Wang, Shilu; Liu, Cong-Qiang et al. (2022). Fate and availability of dust-borne phosphorus in a sub-humid temperate forest. Chemical Geology 587, 120628. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120628. SXRMB Environment
Zhang, Zeshu; Mao, Chengliang; Meira, Débora Motta; Duchesne, Paul N.; Tountas, Athanasios A. et al. (2022). New black indium oxide—tandem photothermal CO2-H2 methanol selective catalyst. Nature Communications 13(1) . 10.1038/s41467-022-29222-7. CLS-APS Materials
Zhang, Wenyao; Dong, Muyao; Jiang, Keren; Yang, Diling; Tan, Xuehai et al. (2022). Real-Time Reconstructed Interphase Enables Reversible Aqueous Zinc Battery Chemistries. SSRN Electronic Journal . 10.2139/ssrn.4013048. HXMA Materials
Zhang, Jiaxi; Wang, Shaofeng; Ma, Xu; Yao, Shuhua; Lv, Hongtao et al. (2022). Observation of surface precipitation of ferric molybdate on ferrihydrite: Implication for the mobility and fate of molybdate in natural and hydrometallurgical environments. Science of the Total Environment 807, 150749. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150749. BIOXAS, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Environment
Yousefi, Nastaran; Pettipas, Richard D.; Kelly, Timothy L.; Kaake, Loren G. (2022). Self-assembly of PBTTT–C14 thin films in supercritical fluids. Materials Advances 3(5) , 2515-2523. 10.1039/d1ma00847a. HXMA Materials
Yin, Jianan; Huang, Guohe; An, Chunjiang; Feng, Renfei (2022). Nanocellulose enhances the dispersion and toxicity of ZnO NPs to green algae Eremosphaera viridis. Environmental Science: Nano 9(1) , 393-405. 10.1039/d1en00881a. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Yao, Lu; Chen, Jiatang; Wang, Zhiqiang; Sham, Tsun-Kong (2022). TiO2 Nanotubes: Morphology, Size, Crystallinity, and Phase-Dependent Properties from Synchrotron-Spectroscopy Studies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126(6) , 3265-3275. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c10577. SGM Materials
Yang, W., Lin, J., Yao, H., Pan, Y., Heredia, E., Chernikov, R., Wang, S. & Jia, Y. (2021) (2021). EXAFS study arsenic(V) adsorption on goethite and hematite. Nuclear Techniques, Vol. 44: 120101. He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques . 10.11889/j.0253-3219.2021.hjs.44.120101. BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Materials
Yang, Wenjuan; Eraky, Haytham; Zhang, Chunyang; Hitchcock, Adam P.; Zhitomirsky, Igor et al. (2022). Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy studies of electrochemical activation and capacitive behavior of Mn3O4 supercapacitor electrodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10(35) , 18267-18277. 10.1039/d2ta04702k. SGM, SM Materials
Xu, Shuai; Hou, Xiaodong; Wang, Dongniu; Zuin, Lucia; Zhou, Jigang et al. (2022). Insights into the Effect of Heat Treatment and Carbon Coating on the Electrochemical Behaviors of SiO Anodes for Li‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 12(18) , 2200127. 10.1002/aenm.202200127. VLS-PGM Environment
Xia, Xing; Wang, Jian; Hu, Yongfeng; Liu, Jin; Darma, Aminu Inuwa et al. (2022). Molecular Insights into Roles of Dissolved Organic Matter in Cr(III) Immobilization by Coprecipitation with Fe(III) Probed by STXM-Ptychography and XANES Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 56(4) , 2432-2442. 10.1021/acs.est.1c07528. SM, SXRMB Environment
White, Brandy; Patterson, Michelle; Karnwal, Saloni; Brooks, Cory L. (2022). Crystal structure of a human MUC16 SEA domain reveals insight into the nature of the CA125 tumor marker. Proteins: Structure. Function and Bioinformatics 90(5) . 10.1002/prot.26303. [PDB: 7sa9] CMCF-ID Health