Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Liu, Hang; George, Michael G; Zeis, Roswitha; Messerschmidt, Matthias; Scholta, Joachim et al. (2017). The Impacts of Microporous Layer Degradation on Liquid Water Distributions in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Using Synchrotron Imaging. ECS Transactions 80(8) , 155-164. 10.1149/08008.0155ecst. BMIT-BM Materials
Banerjee; Rupak; Han; Chuzhang; Ge et al. (2017). Synchrotron X-Ray Investigation of Membrane Water Distribution in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Applications. In ASME 2017 15th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. . 10.1115/icnmm2017-5556. BMIT-BM Materials
Daniel Cardenas (2017). Elemental Mapping Of Bone Strontium In Rats Treated With Strontium Ranelate And Strontium Citrate Using 2D Micro-XRF And 3D Dual Energy K-Edge Subtraction X-Ray Imaging. Supervisor: Pejović-Milić, Ana. Ontario, Canada: Ryerson University. BMIT-BM Materials
Paria Rahimian (2017). Using Synchrotron Based X-Ray Imaging Technique to Understand Liquid Water Transport Phenomena in Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells. Supervisor: Lifeng Zhang. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Izadifar, Mohammad; Babyn, Paul; Kelly, Michael E.; Chapman, Dean; Chen, Xiongbiao et al. (2017). Bioprinting Pattern-Dependent Electrical/Mechanical Behavior of Cardiac Alginate Implants: Characterization and Ex Vivo Phase-Contrast Microtomography Assessment. Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods 23(9) , 548-564. 10.1089/ten.tec.2017.0222. BMIT-BM Materials
Andronowski, Janna M.; Pratt, Isaac V.; Cooper, David M. L. (2017). Occurrence of osteon banding in adult human cortical bone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164(3) , 635-642. 10.1002/ajpa.23297. BMIT-ID Health
Koch, Robert W.; Elfarnawany, Mai; Zhu, Ning; Ladak, Hanif M.; Agrawal, Sumit K. et al. (2017). Evaluation of Cochlear Duct Length Computations Using Synchrotron Radiation Phase-Contrast Imaging. Otology and Neurotology 38(6) , e92-e99. 10.1097/mao.0000000000001410. BMIT-ID Health
Sun, Qiming; Wang, Ning; Bing, Qiming; Si, Rui; Liu, Jingyao et al. (2017). Subnanometric Hybrid Pd-M(OH)2, M = Ni, Co, Clusters in Zeolites as Highly Efficient Nanocatalysts for Hydrogen Generation. Chem 3(3) , 477-493. 10.1016/j.chempr.2017.07.001. CLS-APS
Summers, Kelly L.; Fimognari, Nicholas; Hollings, Ashley; Kiernan, Mitchell; Lam, Virginie et al. (2017). A Multimodal Spectroscopic Imaging Method To Characterize the Metal and Macromolecular Content of Proteinaceous Aggregates (“Amyloid Plaques”). Biochemistry 56(32) , 4107-4116. 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00262. CLS-APS
Jia, Jia; Wang, Hong; Lu, Zhuole; O'Brien, Paul G.; Ghoussoub, Mireille et al. (2017). Photothermal Catalyst Engineering: Hydrogenation of Gaseous CO 2 with High Activity and Tailored Selectivity. Advanced Science 4(10) , 1700252. 10.1002/advs.201700252. CLS-APS
Lin, Chuanlong; Yong, Xue; Tse, John S.; Smith, Jesse S.; Sinogeikin, Stanislav V. et al. (2017). Kinetically Controlled Two-Step Amorphization and Amorphous-Amorphous Transition in Ice. Physical Review Letters 119(13) . 10.1103/physrevlett.119.135701. CLS-APS
Aluri, Esther Rani; Bachiu, Lisa M.; Grosvenor, Andrew P.; Forbes, Scott H.; Greedan, John E. et al. (2017). Assessing the oxidation states and structural stability of the Ce analogue of brannerite. Surface and Interface Analysis 49(13) . 10.1002/sia.6265. CLS-APS, SXRMB
Petty, Jeffrey T.; Ganguly, Mainak; Rankine, Ian J.; Chevrier, Daniel M.; Zhang, Peng et al. (2017). A DNA-Encapsulated and Fluorescent Ag106+ Cluster with a Distinct Metal-Like Core. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121(27) , 14936-14945. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b04506. CLS-APS
Radkova, Anezka Borcinova (2017). The influence of secondary mineral phase crystallization on antimony and arsenic mobility in mine drainage. Queen's University. CLS-APS Environment
Bailey, Alexandra Susann (2017). Characterization of arsenic-hosting solid phases in Giant mine tailings and tailings dust. Queen’s University. CLS-APS Environment