Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Behyan, S.; Haines, B.; Karanukaran, C.; Wang, J.; Obst, M. et al. (2011). Surface Detection in a STXM Microscope. AIP Conference Proceedings , 184-187. 10.1063/1.3625335. SM
Berejnov, Viatcheslav; Susac, Darija; Stumper, Ju?rgen; Hitchcock, Adam P. (2011). Nano to Micro Scale Characterization of Water Uptake in The Catalyst Coated Membrane Measured by Soft X-ray Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy. . 10.1149/1.3635573. SM
Bolibruch; N.I.; Vogt; J.M.; Igarashi et al. (2011). Photodiode Calibration using an Electrical Substitution Radiometer in the Hard X-Ray Region. In Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW). , 500-502 BMIT-BM, HXMA Materials
Bolibruch; N.I.; Vogt; J.M.; Igarashi et al. (2011). Photodiode Calibration using an Electrical Substitution Radiometer in the Hard X-Ray Region. In Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW). , 500-502 BMIT-BM, HXMA Materials
Challa P; Hinebaugh J; Bazylak AA (2011). Comparison of Water Thickness Profiles of Compressed PEMFC GDLs. In ASME. International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. . , 121-126 10.1115/FuelCell2011-54340. BMIT-BM Materials
Das, S.; Hendry, M.J.; Essilfie-Dughan, J. (2011). Kinetics of Two-Line Ferrihydrite Phase transformation Under Alkaline Conditions: Effect of Temperature and Adsorbed Arsenate, in The New Uranium Mining Boom; Challenge and Lessons Learned. In Proceedings of the International Conference 2011: Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology VI. Freiberg, Germany: . 9783540283638. HXMA
Duffy, Alan; Yates, Brian; Hu, Yongfeng (2011). Using MapleSim to model a six-strut kinematic mount for aligning optical components. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering . 10.1117/12.894147.
Essilfie-Dughan, J.; Hendry, M.J.; Warner, J.; Kotzer, T. (2011). Solubility controls of arsenic, iron, and nickel in uranium mine tailings, in The New Uranium Mining Boom; Challenge and Lessons Learned. In Proceedings of the International Conference 2011: Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology VI. Freiberg, Germany: . 9783540283638. HXMA
Kaznatcheev, K.; Bertwistle, D.; Cheng, C.; Zohar, S.; Bailey, W. E. et al. (2011). Synchronous (Lockā€in) Measurement Techniques for Magnetic Contrast Enhancement in STXM. AIP Conference Proceedings , 333-336. 10.1063/1.3625372. SM
Klymyshyn, D.; Boerner, M.; Haluzan, D.; Wells, G.; Schaffer, M. et al. (2011). Mechanical Planarization with Electropolishing to Improve the Performance of High-Aspect-Ratio RF MEMS Circuits. In 9th Conference on High Aspect Ratio Micro Structure Technology (HARMST). . .
Leontowich, Adam F. G.; Tyliszczak, Tolek; Hitchcock, Adam P. (2011). Measurement of the point spread function of a soft x-ray microscope by single pixel exposure of photoresists. In Damage to VUV, EUV, and X-ray Optics III. SPIE. 9780819486677. SM
Li, J.W.; Dolton, W.; Cheng, L.; Subramanian, V.; Achenbach, S. et al. (2011). Mechatronic system design study for the tuneable X-ray intensity chopper at the Synchrotron Laboratory for Micro and Nano Devices. In 9th Conference on High Aspect Ratio Micro Structure Technology (HARMST). . .
Ma, H.; Rose, J.; Holub, B.; Cupolo, J.; Olivia, J. et al. (2011). The low-level radio frequency system for the superconducting cavities of national synchrotron light source ii. In PAC 2011. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW). 9783954500338 .
Majid, Shaikh Hasibul; Goldan, Amir H.; Hadji, Bahman; Belev, George; Kasap, Safa et al. (2011). Selenium coated CMOS passive pixel array for medical imaging. In Norbert J. Pelc; Ehsan Samei; Robert M. Nishikawa(Ed.), SPIE Proceedings: Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging. SPIE. .
Matias, E.; Baribeau, L.; Hu, S.; Payne, C.G.; Zhang, H. et al. (2011). Upgrade of the CLS Accelerator Control and Instrumentation Systems. In Proceedings of ICALEPCS 2011. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW). 9783954500314.