Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Comin, R.; Frano, A.; Yee, M. M.; Yoshida, Y.; Eisaki, H. et al. (2014). Charge Order Driven by Fermi-Arc Instability in Bi 2 Sr 2− x La x CuO 6+δ. Science 343(6169) , 390-392. 10.1126/science.1242996. REIXS
Schmid, Gregor; Zeitvogel, Fabian; Hao, Likai; Ingino, Pablo; Kuerner, Wolfgang et al. (2014). Synchrotron-Based Chemical Nano-Tomography of Microbial Cell-Mineral Aggregates in their Natural, Hydrated State. Microscopy and Microanalysis 20(2) , 531-536. 10.1017/s1431927613014104. SM
Wadati, H; Geck, J; Schierle, E; Sutarto, R; He, F et al. (2014). Revealing orbital and magnetic phase transitions in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3epitaxial thin films by resonant soft x-ray scattering. New Journal of Physics 16(3) , 033006. 10.1088/1367-2630/16/3/033006. REIXS
Winnewisser, Manfred; Winnewisser, Brenda P.; De Lucia, Frank C.; Tokaryk, Dennis W.; Ross, Stephen C. et al. (2014). Pursuit of quantum monodromy in the far-infrared and mid-infrared spectra of NCNCS using synchrotron radiation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16(33) , 17373. 10.1039/c4cp01443j. FAR-IR
Yin, Ying; Han, Jiecai; Zhang, Xinghong; Zhang, Yumin; Zhou, Jigang et al. (2014). Facile synthesis of few-layer-thick carbon nitride nanosheets by liquid ammonia-assisted lithiation method and their photocatalytic redox properties. RSC Advances 4(62) , 32690. 10.1039/c4ra06036a. REIXS
Yadegari, Hossein; Li, Yongliang; Banis, Mohammad Norouzi; Li, Xifei; Wang, Biqiong et al. (2014). On rechargeability and reaction kinetics of sodium–air batteries. Energy and Environmental Science 7(11) , 3747-3757. 10.1039/c4ee01654h. VLS-PGM Environment
Ding, Yang; Chen, Cheng-Chien; Zeng, Qiaoshi; Kim, Heung-Sik; Han, Myung Joon et al. (2014). Novel High-Pressure Monoclinic Metallic Phase ofV2O3. Physical Review Letters 112(5) . 10.1103/physrevlett.112.056401. CLS-APS Materials
Martinson, Mercedes; Samadi, Nazanin; Belev, George; Bassey, Bassey; Lewis, Rob et al. (2014). Development of a bent Laue beam-expanding double-crystal monochromator for biomedical X-ray imaging. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 21(3) , 479-483. 10.1107/s1600577514003014. BMIT-BM Materials
Morrell, B.; Okada, G.; Vahedi, S.; Koughia, C.; Edgar, A. et al. (2014). Optically erasable samarium-doped fluorophosphate glasses for high-dose measurements in microbeam radiation therapy. Journal of Applied Physics 115(6) , 063107-1 - 063107-8. 10.1063/1.4864424. BMIT-BM Materials
Sun, Xiangcheng; Hegde, Manu; Wang, Jian; Zhang, Yuefei; Liao, Jinyun et al. (2014). Structural Analysis and Electrochemical Studies of Carbon Coated Li4Ti5O12 Particles Used as Anode for Lithium-Ion Battery. ECS Transactions 58(14) , 79-88. 10.1149/05814.0079ecst. SM Materials
van der Bij, Hendrik E.; Aramburo, Luis R.; Arstad, Bjørnar; Dynes, James J.; Wang, Jian et al. (2014). Phosphatation of Zeolite H-ZSM-5: A Combined Microscopy and Spectroscopy Study. ChemPhysChem 15(2) , 283-292. 10.1002/cphc.201300910. SM Materials
Wang, Junlei; Santana, Juan A Colón; Wu, Ning; Karunakaran, Chithra; Wang, Jian et al. (2014). Magnetoelectric Fe2TeO6thin films. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 26(5) , 055012. 10.1088/0953-8984/26/5/055012. SM Materials
Wang, Zhiqiang; Wang, Jian; Sham, Tsun-Kong; Yang, Shaoguang (2014). Origin of luminescence from ZnO/CdS core/shell nanowire arrays. Nanoscale 6(16) , 9783. 10.1039/c4nr02231a. SGM, SM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Woll, Arthur R; Agyeman-Budu, David; Choudhury, Sanjukta; Coulthard, Ian; Finnefrock, Adam C et al. (2014). Lithographically-fabricated channel arrays for confocal x-ray fluorescence microscopy and XAFS. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 493, 012028. 10.1088/1742-6596/493/1/012028. CLS-APS Materials
Zhou, Chunyu; Wang, Jian; Szpunar, Jerzy A. (2014). X-ray chemical imaging and the electronic structure of a single nanoplatelet Ni/graphene composite. Chemical Communications 50(18) , 2282. 10.1039/c3cc47008c. SM, SXRMB Materials