Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Guevara Level; Patricia (2016). Vibrational spectra calculations, fingerprints allow to elucidate compositions and reactivity of complex chemical systems: application to asphaltene systems. Supervisor: BEGUE, Didier. France: L’Université de Pau et des Pays de l”Adour. . FAR-IR
John Hayes (2016). Analysis of nuclear fuel cycle materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Supervisor: Andrew Grosvenor. SK, CA: University of Saskatchwan. CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB, VESPERS
Matthias Hepting (2017). Ordering Phenomena in Rare-Earth Nickelate Heterostructures. Supervisor: Keimer, Bernhard. Germany: University of Stuttgart. REIXS
Johnson, Neil W. (2016). Characterization of epitaxial silicene on the Ag(111) surface with synchrotron-based soft X-ray spectroscopy. Supervisor: Moewes, Alexander. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. REIXS
Radi; Abdullah (2017). Soft X-ray reflectometry and X-ray absorption spectroscopy of transition metal oxide thin-films on various substrates: cobaltate (CoO) and lanthanum cobaltate (LaCoO?). Supervisor: Sawatzky, George. BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. REIXS
Paul Bazylewski (2016). Band Engineering of Graphene using Metal Mediated Oxidation. Supervisor: Chang, Gap Soo. Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan. . REIXS
Popovoski Kolaceke; Anezka (2019). Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques To The Study Of Taphonomic Alterations and Preservation in Fossils. Supervisor: Barbi, Mauricio; McKellar, Ryan. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Regina. BMIT-ID, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS
Zhu, Xiaohui (2016). Studies of Magnetotactic Bacteria by Soft X-Ray Microscopy. Supervisor: Hitchcock, Adam P.. Ontario, Canada: McMaster University. SM
Joseph J. Weeks (2019). Improving environmental health: Investigations into soil lead and phosphorus fate and transport. Supervisor: Hettiarachchi, Ganga M.. Kansas, USA: KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY. SXRMB
Popovoski Kolaceke; Anezka (2019). Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques To The Study Of Taphonomic Alterations and Preservation in Fossils. Supervisor: Barbi, Mauricio; McKellar, Ryan. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Regina. BMIT-ID, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS
Peng Liu (2016). Stabilization of Mercury in River Water and Sediment Using Biochars. Supervisor: Carol Ptacek and David Blowes. Waterloo: University of Waterloo. CLS-APS, SXRMB
John Hayes (2016). Analysis of nuclear fuel cycle materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Supervisor: Andrew Grosvenor. SK, CA: University of Saskatchwan. CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB, VESPERS
Lei Lei (2017). Modeling and Optimization of the Microsphere Generation Process. Supervisor: Dr. Chris Zhang. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . SYLMAND
Von Gunten; Konstantin (2019). Biogeochemistry of meromictic pit lakes and permeable reactive barriers at the Cluff Lake uranium mine. Supervisor: Alessi, Daniel; Konhauser, Kurt. AB, Canada: University of Alberta. . VESPERS
Popovoski Kolaceke; Anezka (2019). Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques To The Study Of Taphonomic Alterations and Preservation in Fossils. Supervisor: Barbi, Mauricio; McKellar, Ryan. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Regina. BMIT-ID, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS