Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Lum, Jullieta E.; Lindsay, Matthew B. J. (2021). Molybdenum(VI) Sequestration Mechanisms During Iron(II)-Induced Ferrihydrite Transformation. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5(8) , 2094-2104. 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00152. BIOXAS-MAIN, CMCF-BM Environment
Alexander, James; Van Loon, Lisa; Banerjee, Neil (2021). Combined Geochemical and Mineralogical Investigation of Gold Mineralized Quartz Veins at the Vertigo Target, White Gold District, Yukon, Canada. Microscopy and Microanalysis 27(S1) , 1856-1858. 10.1017/s1431927621006784. CLS-APS, CMCF-BM Environment
Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Guohe; Halstead, David; Gaetz, Katelyn; Benmerrouche, Leila et al. (2021). The Optimization of Canola Crop Production through Wheat Residue Management within a Western Canadian Context—A Case Study of Saint-Front, Saskatchewan. Sustainability 13(18) , 10459. 10.3390/su131810459. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Bao, Yanping; Bolan, Nanthi S.; Lai, Jinhao; Wang, Yishun; Jin, Xiaohu et al. (2021). Interactions between organic matter and Fe (hydr)oxides and their influences on immobilization and remobilization of metal(loid)s: A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 52(22) , 1-22. 10.1080/10643389.2021.1974766. SM Environment
Cron, Brandi; Macalady, Jennifer L.; Cosmidis, Julie (2021). Organic Stabilization of Extracellular Elemental Sulfur in a Sulfurovum-Rich Biofilm: A New Role for Extracellular Polymeric Substances?. Frontiers in Microbiology 12. 10.3389/fmicb.2021.720101. SM Environment
Wang, Yihao; Yang, Jianjun; Han, Hui; Hu, Yongfeng; Wang, Jian et al. (2021). Differential transformation mechanisms of exotic Cr(VI) in agricultural soils with contrasting physio-chemical and biological properties. Chemosphere 279, 130546. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130546. SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Environment
Wenshuai Li (2021). Tracing chemical weathering using lithium and potassium isotopes. Supervisor: Liu, Xiao-Ming; Teng, F-Z.; Wasylenki, L.; Benninger, L.; Barzyk, J.. North Carolina, USA: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. SXRMB Environment
Li, Wenshuai; Liu, Xiao-Ming; Wang, Kun; Fodrie, F. Joel; Yoshimura, Toshihiro et al. (2021). Potassium phases and isotopic composition in modern marine biogenic carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 304, 364-380. 10.1016/j.gca.2021.04.018. SXRMB Environment
Wang, Yihao; Yang, Jianjun; Han, Hui; Hu, Yongfeng; Wang, Jian et al. (2021). Differential transformation mechanisms of exotic Cr(VI) in agricultural soils with contrasting physio-chemical and biological properties. Chemosphere 279, 130546. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130546. SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Environment
Courchesne, Brittaney; Schindler, Michael; Mykytczuk, Nadia C. S. (2021). Relationships Between the Microbial Composition and the Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Cobalt-Bearing Legacy Mine Tailings in Northeastern Ontario. Frontiers in Microbiology 12. 10.3389/fmicb.2021.660190. VESPERS Environment
Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Guohe; Halstead, David; Gaetz, Katelyn; Benmerrouche, Leila et al. (2021). The Optimization of Canola Crop Production through Wheat Residue Management within a Western Canadian Context—A Case Study of Saint-Front, Saskatchewan. Sustainability 13(18) , 10459. 10.3390/su131810459. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Wang, Yihao; Yang, Jianjun; Han, Hui; Hu, Yongfeng; Wang, Jian et al. (2021). Differential transformation mechanisms of exotic Cr(VI) in agricultural soils with contrasting physio-chemical and biological properties. Chemosphere 279, 130546. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130546. SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Environment
Mushtaha, Farah N.; Kuehn, Tristan K.; El‐Deeb, Omar; Rohani, Seyed A.; Helpard, Luke W. et al. (2021). Design and characterization of a 3D‐printed axon‐mimetic phantom for diffusion MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86(5) , 2482–2496. 10.1002/mrm.28886. BMIT-ID Health
Xu, Shangyi (2021). Mechanism of Allosteric Behaviour and Substrate Inhibition of Lactococcus Lactis Prolidase. Supervisor: Tanaka, Takuji. SK, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. CMCF Health
Patel, Ankoor; McBride, Jessica A.M.; Mark, Brian L. (2021). The endopeptidase of the maize-affecting Marafivirus type member maize rayado fino virus doubles as a deubiquitinase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 297(2) , 100957. 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100957. CMCF Health