Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Wallweber, H.; Mortara, K.; Ferri, E.; Rudolph, J.; Wang, W. et al. (2020). Structure of apo unphosphorylated IRE1. Protein Data Bank: 6w3b. CMCF-ID
Wallweber, H.; Mortara, K.; Ferri, E.; Wang, W.; Rudolph, J. et al. (2020). Structure of phosphorylated apo IRE1. Protein Data Bank: 6w3c. CMCF-ID
Suits, M.D.L.; Whiteside, J. (2019). PntC-AEPT: fusion protein of phosphonate-specific cytidylyltransferase and 2-aminoethylphosphonate (AEP) transaminase from Treponema denticola in complex with cytidine monophosphate-AEP. Protein Data Bank: 6pd2. CMCF-ID
Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID) (2017). Fragment screening by STD NMR identifies novel site binders against influenza A virus polymerase PA. Protein Data Bank: 5ifb. CMCF-ID
Tempel, W.; Yu, W.; Dong, A.; Cerovina, T.; Bountra, C. et al. (2017). Methyltransferase domain of human Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome Candidate 1-Like protein 1 (WHSC1L1). Protein Data Bank: 5upd. CMCF-ID
Kouidmi, I.; Maddalena, M.; Laplante, S. (2022). HRas G12V in complex with GDP. Protein Data Bank: 7tam. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Gheorghita, A.A.; Li, E.Y.; Pfoh, R.; Howell, P.L. (2022). Structure of the Pseudomonas putida AlgKX modification and secretion complex. Protein Data Bank: 7ula. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Suits, M.D.L. (2022). Bfo2290: Tannerella forsythia chondroitin sulfate A sulfatase. Protein Data Bank: 8di0. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Forrester, T.J.B.; Kimber, M.S. (2022). WbbB D232C-Kdo adduct + alpha-Rha(1,3)GlcNAc ternary complex. Protein Data Bank: 8csf. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Forrester, T.J.B.; Kimber, M.S. (2022). WbbB in complex with alpha-Rha-(1-3)-beta-GlcNAc acceptor. Protein Data Bank: 8cse. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Forrester, T.J.B.; Kimber, M.S. (2022). WbbB D232N-Kdo adduct. Protein Data Bank: 8csc. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Abraham, N.; Schroeter, K.L.; Kimber, M.S.; Seah, S.Y.K. (2022). Structure-Function characterization of an aldo-keto reductase involved in detoxification of the mycotoxin, deoxynivalenol. Protein Data Bank: 7utf. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Sharon, I.; Schmeing, T.M. (2022). Pseudobacteroides cellulosolvens pseudo-CphB. Protein Data Bank: 7uqv. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Chung, I.Y.W.; Cygler, M. (2022). Structural study of Legionella pneumophila effector DotY (Lpg0294). Protein Data Bank: 7ups. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Lorente Cobo, N.; Prehna, G. (2022). Co-crystal structure of Salmonella Typhimurium Tlde1a in complex with D-methionine. Protein Data Bank: 7uo8. CMCF-BM Agriculture