Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Achenbach, Sven; Shen, Chen; Wells, Garth (2018). Numerical and experimental thermal analysis of polyimide-based x-ray masks at the Canadian Light Source. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 36(1) , 012001. 10.1116/1.5005115. SYLMAND
Achenbach, Sven; Wells, Garth; Shen, Chen (2018). Characterization of the surface contamination of deep X-ray lithography mirrors exposed to synchrotron radiation. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25(3) , 729-737. 10.1107/s1600577518004939. SYLMAND
Acksel, Andre; Baumann, Karen; Hu, Yongfeng; Leinweber, Peter (2019). A critical review and evaluation of some P-research methods. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50(22) , 1-21. 10.1080/00103624.2019.1679165. SXRMB
Acksel,; Baumann,; Hu,; Leinweber, (2019). A Look into the Past: Tracing Ancient Sustainable Manuring Practices by Thorough P Speciation of Northern European. Soil Systems 3(4) , 72. 10.3390/soilsystems3040072. SXRMB
Agbolaghi, Samira; Abbasi, Farhang; Zenoozi, Sahar; Nazari, Maryam (2017). Annealing-free multi-thermal techniques comprising aging, cycling and seeding to enhance performance of thick P3HT:PCBM photovoltaic cells via developing hairy crystals. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 63, 285-294. 10.1016/j.mssp.2017.02.029. HXMA
Aghbolaghy, Mostafa; Soltan, Jafar; Chen, Ning (2017). Role of Surface Carboxylates in the Gas Phase Ozone-Assisted Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene. Catalysis Letters 147(9) , 2421-2433. 10.1007/s10562-017-2143-0. HXMA
Aghbolaghy, Mostafa; Soltan, Jafar; Sutarto, Ronny (2017). The role of surface carboxylates in catalytic ozonation of acetone on alumina-supported manganese oxide. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 128, 73-84. 10.1016/j.cherd.2017.10.002. HXMA, REIXS
Aghbolaghy, Mostafa; Soltan, Jafar; Sutarto, Ronny (2017). The role of surface carboxylates in catalytic ozonation of acetone on alumina-supported manganese oxide. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 128, 73-84. 10.1016/j.cherd.2017.10.002. HXMA, REIXS
Aimee Bell (2017). Commissioning of a Multipass Discharge Cell for the Study of Transient Molecules of Astrophysical Interest Using the Far-IR Beamline at the Canadian Light Source. Supervisor: van Wijngaarden. Manitoba, Canada: University of Manitoba. . FAR-IR
Akhter, Fardausi; Fairhurst, Graham D.; Blanchard, Peter E. R.; Machin, Karen L.; Blyth, Rob I. R. et al. (2020). Experimental variation in the spatial deposition of trace metals in feathers revealed using synchrotron X‐ray fluorescence. X-Ray Spectrometry 49(4) , 471-479. 10.1002/xrs.3140. VESPERS
Alabi, Wahab O.; Wang, Hui; Huang, Wei; Li, Xiaodong (2018). A study of CO 2 reforming of CH 4 for coal delivered gases over Ni-based catalysts. Catalysis Today 309, 77-82. 10.1016/j.cattod.2017.10.008. SXRMB
Alam, Md. Samrat; Gorman-Lewis, Drew; Chen, Ning; Flynn, Shannon L.; Ok, Yong Sik et al. (2018). Thermodynamic Analysis of Nickel(II) and Zinc(II) Adsorption to Biochar. Environmental Science & Technology 52(11) . 10.1021/acs.est.7b06261. HXMA
Alam, Md. Samrat; Gorman-Lewis, Drew; Chen, Ning; Safari, Salman; Baek, Kitae et al. (2018). Mechanisms of the Removal of U(VI) from Aqueous Solution Using Biochar: A Combined Spectroscopic and Modeling Approach. Environmental Science & Technology 52(22) , 13057-13067. 10.1021/acs.est.8b01715. HXMA, VESPERS
Alam, Md. Samrat; Gorman-Lewis, Drew; Chen, Ning; Safari, Salman; Baek, Kitae et al. (2018). Mechanisms of the Removal of U(VI) from Aqueous Solution Using Biochar: A Combined Spectroscopic and Modeling Approach. Environmental Science & Technology 52(22) , 13057-13067. 10.1021/acs.est.8b01715. HXMA, VESPERS
Ali Ramadhan (2017). Molecular movies and geometry reconstruction using Coulomb explosion imaging. Supervisor: Sanderson, J.. Ontario, Canada: University of Waterloo. VLS-PGM