Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Soleimanian, Yasamin; Ghazani, Saeed M.; Marangoni, Alejandro G. (2024). Ethylcellulose oleogels of oil glycerolysis products as functional adipose tissue mimetics. Food Hydrocolloids 151, 109756. 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2024.109756. BXDS-WLE Agriculture
Berens, Matthew John; Michaud, Alexander Bryce; VanderJeugdt, Erin; Miah, Imtiaz; Sutor, Frederick W. et al. (2024). Phosphorus Interactions with Iron in Undisturbed and Disturbed Arctic Tundra Ecosystems. Environmental Science & Technology 58(26) , 11400-11410. 10.1021/acs.est.3c09072. SXRMB Agriculture
Loewen, Elyssa J.T.; Balkwill, Micheala A.; Mattioli, Júlia; Cockx, Pierre; Caicedo, Maria Velez et al. (2024). New Canadian amber deposit fills gap in fossil record near end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Current Biology 34(8) , 1762-1771.e3. 10.1016/j.cub.2024.03.001. BMIT-ID Agriculture
Aminian, Shiva; Heydari, Mohamad Mehdi; Thompson, Brooke; Schwean-Lardner, Karen; Kirychuk, Shelley et al. (2024). Application of Novel Engineered Water Nanostructures Techniques for Eggshell Surface Decontamination. LWT , 116151. 10.1016/j.lwt.2024.116151. BMIT-ID Agriculture
Wang, Yihao; Yan, Yubo; He, Chao; Feng, Ya; Darma, Aminu et al. (2024). The immobilization of cadmium by rape straw derived biochar in alkaline conditions: Sorption isotherm, molecular binding mechanism, and in-situ remediation of Cd-contaminated soil. Environmental Pollution , 123969. 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123969. SXRMB Agriculture
Sychantha, D.; Prehna, G.; Wright, G.D. (2024). Crystal structure of NikA in complex Ni-AMA. Protein Data Bank: 8spm. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Li, F.K.K.; Strynadka, N.C.J. (2024). Crystal structure of S. aureus TarL N-terminal domain. Protein Data Bank: 8v33. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Ali, M.G.H.; Wahba, H.M.; Cyr, N.; Omichinski, J.G. (2024). Crystal structure of GABARAP in complex with the LIR of NSs4. Protein Data Bank: 8t2m. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Hao, Xiaoge; Quirk, James A.; Zhao, Feipeng; Alahakoon, Sandamini H; Ma, Jiabin et al. (2024). Regulating Ion Diffusion and Stability in Amorphous Thiosilicate‐Based Solid Electrolytes Through Edge‐Sharing Local Structures. Advanced Energy Materials . 10.1002/aenm.202304556. BXDS, SXRMB Environment
Tunc, Ayetullah; Çelik, Yakup; Feng, Renfei; İnanç, Olcay; Pan, Yuanming et al. (2024). Uranium mineralization in the Thrace Basin, NW Türkiye: Evidence from radiation-induced defects in detrital quartz and synchrotron XRF/XAFS analysis. Journal of Geochemical Exploration , 107533. 10.1016/j.gexplo.2024.107533. VESPERS Environment
Yu, Changxun; Luong, Nguyen Tan; Hefni, Mohammed E.; Song, Zhaoliang; Högfors-Rönnholm, Eva et al. (2024). Storage and Distribution of Organic Carbon and Nutrients in Acidic Soils Developed on Sulfidic Sediments: The Roles of Reactive Iron and Macropores. Environmental Science & Technology . 10.1021/acs.est.3c11007. BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Environment
Gu, Chunhao; Joshi, Sunendra; Fischel, Matthew H.H.; Tomaszewski, Elizabeth J.; Northrup, Paul et al. (2024). Saltwater intrusion increases phosphorus abundance and alters availability in coastal soils with implications for future sea level rise. Science of the Total Environment 931, 172624. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172624. SXRMB Environment
Philip Adebayo Adene (2024). BIOGEOCHEMICAL IMPLICATIONS OF SULFATE-BASED COAGULANTS IN TREATED OIL SANDS FLUID FINE TAILINGS. Supervisor: Matthew Lindsay. Saskatoon, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . CMCF, SXRMB Environment
Nasseri, Seyed Amirhossein; Lazarski, Aleksander C.; Lemmer, Imke L.; Zhang, Chloe Y.; Brencher, Eva et al. (2024). An alternative broad-specificity pathway for glycan breakdown in bacteria. Nature . 10.1038/s41586-024-07574-y. [PDB: 8tdi] CMCF-BM Health
Ali, Mohamed G.; Wahba, Haytham M.; Igelmann, Sebastian; Cyr, Normand; Ferbeyre, Gerardo et al. (2024). Structural and functional characterization of the role of acetylation on the interactions of the human Atg8-family proteins with the autophagy receptor TP53INP2/DOR. Autophagy . 10.1080/15548627.2024.2353443. [PDB: 8t33, 8t4t] CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health