Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Glendon Rhoades (2024). Exploring the Capabilities of Computed Tomography with Bent Laue Crystal Optics. Supervisor: Chapman, Dean. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Mojtaba Nabipoor Hassankiadeh (2024). Pulsation Assisted Fluidized Bed for Potash Drying to Eliminate Agglomeration and Enhance Energy and Exergy Efficiency. Supervisor: Zhang, Lifeng. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Rachelle Elizabeth Davenport (2024). How Decomposition affects the molecular diversity of soil organic matter and its persistence. Supervisor: Lehmann, Johannes. New York, United States: Cornell University. . SGM Environment
Furuzono, T.; Orita, T.; Nomura, A.; Adachi, T. (2024). HIV-1 integrase core domain in complex with compound 5. Protein Data Bank: 8zh4. CMCF-ID Health
Veyron, S.; Cummer, R. (2024). C. difficile Tcdb cysteine protease domain in complex with IP6. Protein Data Bank: 9bja. CMCF-ID Health
Michael Pravica; Petrika Cifligu; Adrian Lua Sanchez; Trimaan Malik; Narayan Appathurai et al. (2024). A novel means to generate high pressure. Las Vegas, USA, and Saskatoon, Canada: UNLV and CLS. BXDS-IVU Materials
Aamlid, Solveig S.; Mugiraneza, Sam; González-Rivas, Mario U.; King, Graham; Hallas, Alannah M. et al. (2024). Short-Range Order and Local Distortions in Entropy Stabilized Oxides. Chemistry of Materials . 10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c01702. BXDS-WHE Materials
Adachi, Kaoru; Manabe, Tomoyuki; Yamasaki, Takayuki; Suma, Akira; Orita, Takuya et al. (2024). Design and synthesis of novel and potent allosteric HIV-1 integrase inhibitors with a spirocyclic moiety. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 110, 129864. 10.1016/j.bmcl.2024.129864. [PDB: 8zh4] CMCF-ID Health
Bartokova, Bibiana; Marangoni, Alejandro G.; Laredo, Thamara; Pensini, Erica (2024). Solvent separation by amphiphiles: Heads and tails synergies. Journal of Molecular Liquids 407, 125205. 10.1016/j.molliq.2024.125205. BXDS-WLE Environment
Bartokova, Bibiana; Marangoni, Alejandro G.; Pensini, Erica (2024). Role of heads and tails on tetrahydrofuran- and dimethyl sulfoxide-water separation by glycerol and sucrose esters. Physics of Fluids 36(7) . 10.1063/5.0209824. BXDS-WLE, MID-IR Materials
Bartokova, Bibiana; Marangoni, Alejandro G.; Pensini, Erica (2024). Role of heads and tails on tetrahydrofuran- and dimethyl sulfoxide-water separation by glycerol and sucrose esters. Physics of Fluids 36(7) . 10.1063/5.0209824. BXDS-WLE, MID-IR Materials
Bishop, Brendan A.; Ramachandran Shivakumar, Karthik; Schmidt, Jamie; Chen, Ning; Alessi, Daniel S. et al. (2024). Rare Earth Element Speciation in Coal and Coal Combustion Byproducts: A XANES and EXAFS Study. Environmental Science & Technology . 10.1021/acs.est.4c04256. HXMA Environment
Bunn, Hayley A.; Zdanovskaia, Maria A.; Billinghurst, Brant E.; Zhao, Jianbao; Widicus Weaver, Susanna L. et al. (2024). Millimeter-Wave and High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of the Ground and Seven Lowest Fundamental States of 1H-1,2,4-Triazole. Journal of Physical Chemistry A . 10.1021/acs.jpca.4c03890. FAR-IR Environment
Cao, Yiqi; Zhang, Baiyu; Song, Xing; Dong, Guihua; Zhang, Yuanmei et al. (2024). Polyhydroxybutyrate Plastics Show Rapid Disintegration and More Straightforward Biogeochemical Impacts than Polyethylene under Marine Biofragmentation. Environmental Science & Technology . 10.1021/acs.est.4c04639. MID-IR Environment
Chan, Michael; Doan, Huu; Dang-Vu, Trong (2024). An Investigation of Lanthanum Recovery from an Aqueous Solution by Adsorption (Ion Exchange). Inorganics 12(9) , 255. 10.3390/inorganics12090255. BMIT-BM Materials