Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Chu, Y.; Zhai, Y.; Fan, X.; Fu, S.; Li, J. et al. (2024). Structure of a triple-helix region of human Collagen type IV from Trautec. Protein Data Bank: 8zmm. CMCF-ID Health
Corbett, B.W.; Suits, M.D. (2024). Iron and Copper bound HftA from Treponema denticola. Protein Data Bank: 8t7m. CMCF-ID Health
Corbett, B.W.; Suits, M.D. (2024). Copper bound HftA from Treponema denticola. Protein Data Bank: 8t7l. CMCF-ID Health
Cottrell, Kevin M.; Briggs, Kimberly J.; Whittington, Douglas A.; Jahic, Haris; Ali, Janid A. et al. (2024). Discovery of TNG908: A Selective, Brain Penetrant, MTA-Cooperative PRMT5 Inhibitor That Is Synthetically Lethal with MTAP-Deleted Cancers. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 67(8) , 6064-6080. 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.4c00133. [PDB: 8veu] CMCF-ID Health
Dong, Shu; Xie, Geng; Xu, Shihong; Tan, Xuehai; Chaudhary, Madhusudan et al. (2024). Cellulose-Encapsulated Composite Electrolyte Design: Toward Chemically and Mechanically Enhanced Solid-Sodium Batteries. ACS Nano . 10.1021/acsnano.4c03910. MID-IR Materials
Dou, Xiaomeng; Yan, Tao; Qian, Lixiang; Hou, Huaming; Lopez-Haro, Miguel et al. (2024). Regioselective hydroformylation with subnanometre Rh clusters in MFI zeolite. Nature Catalysis . 10.1038/s41929-024-01155-y. CLS-APS Materials
Edwards, M.M.; Dong, A.; Theo-Emegano, N.; Seitova, A.; Loppnau, P. et al. (2024). Chicken 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase zeta-1 (PLCZ1) in complex with calcium and phosphorylated threonine. Protein Data Bank: 9bcz. CMCF-ID Health
Esselman, Brian J.; Zdanovskaia, Maria A.; Amberger, Brent K.; Shutter, Joshua D.; Owen, Andrew N. et al. (2024). Millimeter-wave and high-resolution infrared spectroscopy of the low-lying vibrational states of pyridazine isotopologues. Journal of Chemical Physics 160(19) . 10.1063/5.0205488. FAR-IR Environment
Gao, Yingjie; Fu, Jiamin; Hu, Yang; Zhao, Feipeng; Li, Weihan et al. (2024). Reviving Cost‐Effective Organic Cathodes in Halide‐Based All‐Solid‐State Lithium Batteries. Angewandte Chemie . 10.1002/ange.202403331. BXDS-WHE, HXMA, SGM, SM, SXRMB Materials
Ghosh, K. (2024). Human CK1 Delta Kinase structure bound to Inhibitor. Protein Data Bank: 8izc. CMCF-ID Health
Giese, Dina; Li, Hao; Liu, Wei; Staxäng, Karin; Hodik, Monika et al. (2024). Microanatomy of the human tunnel of Corti structures and cochlear partition‐tonotopic variations and transcellular signaling. Journal of Anatomy . 10.1111/joa.14045. BMIT-ID Health
Gu, Chunhao; Joshi, Sunendra; Fischel, Matthew H.H.; Tomaszewski, Elizabeth J.; Northrup, Paul et al. (2024). Saltwater intrusion increases phosphorus abundance and alters availability in coastal soils with implications for future sea level rise. Science of the Total Environment 931, 172624. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172624. SXRMB Environment
Guo, X.; Bettinelli, M.; Piccinelli, F.; Ruggieri, S.; Wang, Z. et al. (2024). X-ray excited optical luminescence from lanthanide ions in double phosphate and double silicate crystalline hosts. Journal of Luminescence 269, 120455. 10.1016/j.jlumin.2024.120455. CLS-APS, SGM, VLS-PGM Materials
Haché, Michel J.R.; Zou, Yu; Erb, Uwe (2024). Thermal stability of electrodeposited nanostructured high-entropy alloys. Surface and Coatings Technology 482, 130719. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2024.130719. BXDS-WHE Materials
Han, Lili; Sun, Chen; Wang, Hsiao-Tsu; Lin, Wei-Xuan; Chen, Jeng-Lung et al. (2024). Interrogation of 3d Transition Bimetallic Nanocrystal Nucleation and Growth Using In Situ Electron Microscope and Synchrotron X-ray Techniques. Nano Letters 24(25) , 7645-7653. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c01442. SM Materials