Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Muehe, E. Marie; Obst, Martin; Hitchcock, Adam; Tyliszczak, Tolek; Behrens, Sebastian et al. (2013). Fate of Cd during Microbial Fe(III) Mineral Reduction by a Novel and Cd-TolerantGeobacterSpecies. Environmental Science & Technology 47(24) , 14099-14109. 10.1021/es403365w. CLS-APS, SM
Bai, Lili; Liu, Jinyin; Zhao, Guanqi; Gao, Jing; Sun, Xuhui et al. (2013). Probing the electronic structure of graphene sheets with various thicknesses by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy. Applied Physics Letters 103(25) , 253110. 10.1063/1.4853915. SM
Shimizu, Masayuki; Zhou, Jihai; Schröder, Christian; Obst, Martin; Kappler, Andreas et al. (2013). Dissimilatory Reduction and Transformation of Ferrihydrite-Humic Acid Coprecipitates. Environmental Science & Technology 47(23) , 13375-13384. 10.1021/es402812j. SM
Li, Ming; Gao, Jing; Bai, Lili; Pu, Aiwu; Liu, Jinyin et al. (2013). Probing carbon coatings on nanoparticle decorated carbon nanotubes by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy. Applied Surface Science 285, 874-878. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.09.004. SM
Aramburo, Luis R.; Teketel, Shewangizaw; Svelle, Stian; Bare, Simon R.; Arstad, Bjørnar et al. (2013). Interplay between nanoscale reactivity and bulk performance of H-ZSM-5 catalysts during the methanol-to-hydrocarbons reaction. Journal of Catalysis 307, 185-193. 10.1016/j.jcat.2013.07.009. SM
Michelin, Anne; Burger, Emilien; Leroy, Eric; Foy, Eddy; Neff, Delphine et al. (2013). Effect of iron metal and siderite on the durability of simulated archeological glassy material. Corrosion Science 76, 403-414. 10.1016/j.corsci.2013.07.014. SM
Smythe, D.J.; Brenan, J.M.; Bennett, N.R.; Regier, T.; Henderson, G.S. et al. (2013). Quantitative determination of cerium oxidation states in alkali-aluminosilicate glasses using M,-edge XANES. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 378, 258-264. 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2013.07.017. SGM
Chen, Xin; Elsenbaumer, Ronald L.; Aswath, Pranesh B. (2013). Synthesis and tribological behavior of ashless alkylphosphorofluoridothioates. Tribology International 66, 114-124. 10.1016/j.triboint.2013.04.009. SGM, VLS-PGM
Zhang, C.Z.; Niakan, H.; Yang, L.; Li, Y.S.; Hu, Y.F. et al. (2013). Study of diamond nucleation and growth on Ti6Al4V with tungsten interlayer. Surface and Coatings Technology 237, 248-254. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.05.049. SGM
Rajendran, Jayapradhi; Gialanella, Stefano; Aswath, Pranesh B. (2013). XANES analysis of dried and calcined bones. Materials Science and Engineering C 33(7) , 3968-3979. 10.1016/j.msec.2013.05.038. SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM
Hintze, Frauke; Johnson, Neil W.; Seibald, Markus; Muir, David; Moewes, Alexander et al. (2013). Magnesium Double Nitride Mg3GaN3 as New Host Lattice for Eu2+ Doping: Synthesis, Structural Studies, Luminescence, and Band-Gap Determination. Chemistry of Materials 25(20) , 4044-4052. 10.1021/cm402191d. REIXS
Liu, Bo; Yu, Peiqiang (2013). Application of Advanced Synchrotron Radiation–Based and Conventional Molecular Techniques in Recent Research on Molecular Structure, Metabolic Characteristics, and Nutrition in Coproducts from Biofuel Processing. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 48(8) , 589-608. 10.1080/05704928.2013.771363. MID-IR
Thorbahn, J.G.; Zwanziger, J.W. (2013). Compositional dependence of the stress-optic response in zinc tellurite glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 381, 48-53. 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2013.09.016. HXMA
Betts, Aaron R.; Chen, Ning; Hamilton, Jordan G.; Peak, Derek (2013). Rates and Mechanisms of Zn2+ Adsorption on a Meat and Bonemeal Biochar. Environmental Science & Technology 47(24) , 14350-14357. 10.1021/es4032198. HXMA
Lin, J.; Chen, N.; Huang, D.; Pan, Y. (2013). Iron pairs in beryl: New insights from electron paramagnetic resonance, synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and ab initio calculations. American Mineralogist 98(10) , 1745-1753. 10.2138/am.2013.4472. HXMA