Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Cygler, M.; Grishin, A.M.; Montreal-Kingston Bacterial Structural Genomics Initiative (BSGI) (2013). The Phenylacetyl-CoA monooxygenase PaaABC subcomplex with phenylacetyl-CoA. Protein Data Bank: 4iit. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Ghosh, K.; Anumula, R.K.; Laksmaiah, B.K. (2013). Structure of Rat Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase expressed in insect cell. Protein Data Bank: 4kjg. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Hoover, Gordon J.; Jørgensen, René; Rochon, Amanda; Bajwa, Vikramjit S.; Merrill, A. Rod et al. (2013). Identification of catalytically important amino acid residues for enzymatic reduction of glyoxylate in plants. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics 1834(12) , 2663-2671. 10.1016/j.bbapap.2013.09.013. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Lee, J.; Cornell, R.B. (2013). Crystal Structure of a Mammalian Cytidylyltransferase. Protein Data Bank: 4mvd. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Loewen, M.C.; Loewen, P.C.; Switala, J. (2013). Structure of Pisum sativum Rubisco with ABA. Protein Data Bank: 4mkv. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Nam, S.E.; Paetzel, M. (2013). Structure of signal peptide peptidase A with C-termini bound in the active sites: insights into specificity, self-processing and regulation. Protein Data Bank: 4kwb. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Park, J.; Gobeil, S.; Pelletier, J.N.; Berghuis, A.M. (2013). Crystal structure of chimeric beta-lactamase cTEM-17m. Protein Data Bank: 4id4. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Van Straaten, K.E.; Palmer, D.R.J.; Sanders, D.A.R. (2013). Crystal structure of ntda from bacillus subtilis in complex with the plp external aldimine adduct with kanosamine-6-phosphate. Protein Data Bank: 4k2m. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Van Straaten, K.E.; Palmer, D.R.J.; Sanders, D.A.R. (2013). Crystal structure of ntda from bacillus subtilis with bound cofactor pmp. Protein Data Bank: 4k2i. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Van Straaten, K.E.; Palmer, D.R.J.; Sanders, D.A.R. (2013). Crystal structure of ntda from bacillus subtilis in complex with the internal aldimine. Protein Data Bank: 4k2b. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Burkat; Michael (2013). Purification and Characterization of SMARCAL1 Orthologs in an E. coli Expression System. Supervisor: Glover, Mark. Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Lee, J.; Cornell, R.B. (2013). Crystal Structure of a Mammalian Cytidylyltransferase. Protein Data Bank: 4mvc. CMCF-BM Agriculture