Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Asai, Juhachi; Coulthard, Ian (2010). Radiation shielding considerations against gas bremsstrahlung for the BioXAS beamlines at the Canadian Light Source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators. Spectrometers. Detectors and Associated Equipment 622(3) , 492-501. 10.1016/j.nima.2010.07.056. BIOXAS
Abbott, D. Wade; Gilbert, Harry J.; Boraston, Alisdair B. (2010). The Active Site of Oligogalacturonate Lyase Provides Unique Insights into Cytoplasmic Oligogalacturonate β-Elimination. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(50) , 39029-39038. 10.1074/jbc.m110.153981. [PDB: 3pe7] CMCF-ID Health
Chung, Ivy Yeuk Wah; Paetzel, Mark (2010). Expression, purification and crystallization of VP4 protease fromTellinavirus 1. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 67(1) , 157-160. 10.1107/s1744309110048803. CMCF-ID Health
Khan, M. Qasim; Sweeting, Braden; Mulligan, Vikram Khipple; Arslan, Pharhad Eli; Cashman, Neil R. et al. (2010). Prion disease susceptibility is affected by β-structure folding propensity and local side-chain interactions in PrP. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(46) , 19808-19813. 10.1073/pnas.1005267107. [PDB: 3o79] CMCF-ID Health
Partha, Sarathy Karunan; Sadeghi-Khomami, Ali; Slowski, Kathryn; Kotake, Toshihisa; Thomas, Neil R. et al. (2010). Chemoenzymatic Synthesis, Inhibition Studies, and X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of the Phosphono Analog of UDP-Galp as an Inhibitor and Mechanistic Probe for UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. Journal of Molecular Biology 403(4) , 578-590. 10.1016/j.jmb.2010.08.053. [PDB: 3mj4] CMCF-ID Health
Adams-Cioaba, Melanie A.; Guo, Yahong; Bian, ChuanBing; Amaya, Maria F.; Lam, Robert et al. (2010). Structural Studies of the Tandem Tudor Domains of Fragile X Mental Retardation Related Proteins FXR1 and FXR2. PLoS ONE 5(11) , e13559. 10.1371/journal.pone.0013559. [PDB: 3o8v] CMCF-ID Health
Tung, Ching-Chieh; Lobo, Paolo A.; Kimlicka, Lynn; Van Petegem, Filip (2010). The amino-terminal disease hotspot of ryanodine receptors forms a cytoplasmic vestibule. Nature 468(7323) , 585-588. 10.1038/nature09471. [PDB: 2xoa] CMCF-ID Health
Wernimont, Amy K.; Amani, Merhnaz; Qiu, Wei; Pizarro, Juan C.; Artz, Jennifer D. et al. (2010). Structures of parasitic CDPK domains point to a common mechanism of activation. Proteins: Structure. Function and Bioinformatics 79(3) , 803-820. 10.1002/prot.22919. [PDB: 3k21] CMCF-ID Health
Caly, Delphine L.; O'Toole, Paul W.; Moore, Stanley A. (2010). The 2.2-Å Structure of the HP0958 Protein from Helicobacter pylori Reveals a Kinked Anti-Parallel Coiled-Coil Hairpin Domain and a Highly Conserved Zn-Ribbon Domain. Journal of Molecular Biology 403(3) , 405-419. 10.1016/j.jmb.2010.08.051. [PDB: 3na7] CMCF-ID Health
van Straaten, Karin E.; Zheng, Hongyan; Palmer, David R. J.; Sanders, David A. R. (2010). Structural investigation of myo-inositol dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis: implications for catalytic mechanism and inositol dehydrogenase subfamily classification. Biochemical Journal 432(2) , 237-247. 10.1042/bj20101079. [PDB: 3mz0, 3nt2, 3nt4, 3nt5, 3nto, 3ntq, 3ntr] CMCF-ID Health
Cid, Melissa; Pedersen, Henriette Lodberg; Kaneko, Satoshi; Coutinho, Pedro M.; Henrissat, Bernard et al. (2010). Recognition of the Helical Structure of β-1,4-Galactan by a New Family of Carbohydrate-binding Modules. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(46) , 35999-36009. 10.1074/jbc.m110.166330. CMCF-ID Health
Xu, Chao; Bian, Chuanbing; Yang, Wei; Galka, Marek; Ouyang, Hui et al. (2010). Binding of different histone marks differentially regulates the activity and specificity of polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(45) , 19266-19271. 10.1073/pnas.1008937107. CMCF-ID Health
Moore, Stanley A.; Ferhatoglu, Yurdagul; Jia, Yunhua; Al-Jiab, Rami A.; Scott, Maxwell J. et al. (2010). Structural and Biochemical Studies on the Chromo-barrel Domain of Male Specific Lethal 3 (MSL3) Reveal a Binding Preference for Mono- or Dimethyllysine 20 on Histone H4. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(52) , 40879-40890. 10.1074/jbc.m110.134312. CMCF-ID Health
Wang, Weijun; Mazurkewich, Scott; Kimber, Matthew S.; Seah, Stephen Y.K. (2010). Structural and Kinetic Characterization of 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxoglutarate/4-Carboxy-4-hydroxy-2-oxoadipate Aldolase, a Protocatechuate Degradation Enzyme Evolutionarily Convergent with the HpaI and DmpG Pyruvate Aldolases. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(47) , 36608-36615. 10.1074/jbc.m110.159509. [PDB: 3noj] CMCF-ID Materials
Zaporozan, Taras; Chen, Ziqiu; van Wijngaarden, Jennifer (2010). High resolution Fourier transform infrared spectra and analysis of the ν14, ν15 and ν16 bands of azetidine. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 264(2) , 105-110. 10.1016/j.jms.2010.09.010. FAR-IR