Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Yu, Dawei; Paktunc, Dogan (2018). Kinetics and mechanisms of the carbothermic reduction of chromite in the presence of nickel. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 132(1) , 143-154. 10.1007/s10973-017-6936-6. CLS-APS
Yu, Dawei; Paktunc, Dogan (2018). Direct Production of Ferrochrome by Segregation Reduction of Chromite in the Presence of Calcium Chloride. Metals 8(1) , 69. 10.3390/met8010069. CLS-APS
Xu, Zhenhe; Kibria, Md Golam; AlOtaibi, Bandar; Duchesne, Paul N.; Besteiro, Lucas V. et al. (2018). Towards enhancing photocatalytic hydrogen generation: Which is more important, alloy synergistic effect or plasmonic effect?. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 221, 77-85. 10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.08.085. CLS-APS
Chevrier, D. M.; Thanthirige, V. D.; Luo, Z.; Driscoll, S.; Cho, P. et al. (2018). Structure and formation of highly luminescent protein-stabilized gold clusters. Chemical Science 9(10) , 2782-2790. 10.1039/c7sc05086k. CLS-APS, SXRMB
Singh; Noreen (2018). Examining the Biological Significance of Histidine and Aspartic Acid Residues in the Reaction Mechanism of ATP-Citrate Lyase. Supervisor: Fraser, Marie E.. Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary. CMCF
Crowe; Adam Michael (2018). The catabolism of the last two rings of cholesterol by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Supervisor: Eltis, Lindsay D.. BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-BM
Lees, R. M.; Xu, Li-Hong; Twagirayezu, S.; Perry, D. S.; Dawadi, M. B. et al. (2018). FTIR synchrotron spectroscopy of the S–H stretching fundamental of the 12CH332SH species of methyl mercaptan. Molecular Physics 116(23-24) , 1-10. 10.1080/00268976.2018.1451931. FAR-IR
Jackson, Michael; Gerke, Clarissa; Barajas, Jose; Lees, Ron M. (2018). Measurement and Spectroscopic Assignment of Far-Infrared Laser Frequencies Generated by 13CD3OH and CH3 18OH. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 54(1) , 1-1. 10.1109/jqe.2017.2786861. FAR-IR
Lees, R.M.; Xu, Li-Hong; Guislain, B.G.; Reid, E.M.; Twagirayezu, S. et al. (2018). Torsion-rotation structure and quasi-symmetric-rotor behaviour for the CH3SH asymmetric CH3-bending and C-H stretching bands of E parentage. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 343. 10.1016/j.jms.2017.06.013. FAR-IR
CHEN; SHUO (2018). The Biogeochemical Response of Copper in Peat to Freeze-thaw Cycling. Supervisor: Glasauer, Susan. ON, Canada: University of Guelph. HXMA, VESPERS
Ocheje, Michael U.; Selivanova, Mariia; Zhang, Song; Van Nguyen, Thi Hai; Charron, Brynn P. et al. (2018). Influence of amide-containing side chains on the mechanical properties of diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymers. Polymer Chemistry 9(46) . 10.1039/c8py01207e. HXMA
Zhang, Jingfang; Liu, Jieyu; Xi, Lifei; Yu, Yifu; Chen, Ning et al. (2018). Single-Atom Au/NiFe Layered Double Hydroxide Electrocatalyst: Probing the Origin of Activity for Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 140(11) , 3876-3879. 10.1021/jacs.8b00752. HXMA
Wei, Qiliang; Zhang, Gaixia; Yang, Xiaohua; Fu, Yanqing; Yang, Guanhua et al. (2018). Litchi-like porous Fe/N/C spheres with atomically dispersed FeNx promoted by sulfur as highly efficient oxygen electrocatalysts for Zn–air batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6(11) , 4605-4610. 10.1039/c7ta08746b. HXMA
Liu, Yuwei; Li, Yan; Chen, Ning; Ding, Hongrui; Zhang, Huiqin et al. (2018). Cu(ii) sorption by biogenic birnessite produced byPseudomonas putidastrain MnB1: structural differences from abiotic birnessite and its environmental implications. CrystEngComm 20(10) , 1361-1374. 10.1039/c7ce02168b. HXMA
Zhang, Longzhou; Jia, Yi; Gao, Guoping; Yan, Xuecheng; Chen, Ning et al. (2018). Graphene Defects Trap Atomic Ni Species for Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Reactions. Chem 4(2) . 10.1016/j.chempr.2017.12.005. HXMA