Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Li, Yan; Liu, Feifei; Xu, Xiaoming; Liu, Yuwei; Li, Yanzhang et al. (2019). Influence of heavy metal sorption pathway on the structure of biogenic birnessite: Insight from the band structure and photostability. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 256. 10.1016/j.gca.2018.12.008. HXMA
Chen, Xiujuan; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Feng, Renfei; Yao, Yao et al. (2019). Plasma-induced poly(acrylic acid)-TiO2 coated polyvinylidene fluoride membrane for produced water treatment: Synchrotron X-Ray, optimization, and insight studies. Journal of Cleaner Production 227, 772-783. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.226. SXRMB, VESPERS
Chen, Xiujuan; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Feng, Renfei; Yao, Yao et al. (2019). Plasma-induced poly(acrylic acid)-TiO2 coated polyvinylidene fluoride membrane for produced water treatment: Synchrotron X-Ray, optimization, and insight studies. Journal of Cleaner Production 227, 772-783. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.226. SXRMB, VESPERS
Altartouri, Bara; Bidhendi, Amir J; Tani, Tomomi; Suzuki, Johnny; Conrad, Christina et al. (2019). Pectin Chemistry and Cellulose Crystallinity Govern Pavement Cell Morphogenesis in a Multi-Step Mechanism. Plant Physiology 181(1) , 127-141. 10.1104/pp.19.00303. MID-IR Agriculture
Li, Dien; Xu, Chen; Yeager, Chris M.; Lin, Peng; Xing, Wei et al. (2019). Molecular Interaction of Aqueous Iodine Species with Humic Acid Studied by I and C K-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 53(21) . 10.1021/acs.est.9b03682. HXMA, SGM Environment
Lin, Jinru; Nilges, Mark J.; Wiens, Eli; Chen, Ning; Wang, Shaofeng et al. (2019). Mechanism of Gd3+ uptake in gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O): Implications for EPR dating, REE recovery and REE behavior. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 258, 63-78. 10.1016/j.gca.2019.05.019. HXMA Environment
Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Feng, Renfei (2019). Interactive Toxicity of Triclosan and Nano-TiO2 to Green Alga Eremosphaera viridis in Lake Erie: A New Perspective Based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectromicroscopy and Synchrotron-Based X-ray Fluorescence Imaging. Environmental Science & Technology 53(16) , 9884-9894. 10.1021/acs.est.9b03117. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Li, Dien; Xu, Chen; Yeager, Chris M.; Lin, Peng; Xing, Wei et al. (2019). Molecular Interaction of Aqueous Iodine Species with Humic Acid Studied by I and C K-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 53(21) . 10.1021/acs.est.9b03682. HXMA, SGM Environment
Carrière, C.; Dillmann, P.; Foy, E.; Neff, D.; Dynes, J.J. et al. (2019). Use of nanoprobes to identify iron-silicates in a glass/iron/argillite system in deep geological disposal. Corrosion Science 158, 108104. 10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108104. SM Environment
Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Feng, Renfei (2019). Interactive Toxicity of Triclosan and Nano-TiO2 to Green Alga Eremosphaera viridis in Lake Erie: A New Perspective Based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectromicroscopy and Synchrotron-Based X-ray Fluorescence Imaging. Environmental Science & Technology 53(16) , 9884-9894. 10.1021/acs.est.9b03117. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Li, Dien; Seaman, John C.; Hunyadi Murph, Simona E.; Kaplan, Daniel I.; Taylor-Pashow, Kathryn et al. (2019). Porous iron material for TcO4- and ReO4- sequestration from groundwater under ambient oxic conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 374, 177-185. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.04.030. VESPERS Environment
Radka, Christopher D.; Labiuk, Shaunivan L.; DeLucas, Lawrence J.; Aller, Stephen G. (2019). Structures of the substrate-binding protein YfeA in apo and zinc-reconstituted holo forms. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 75(9) . 10.1107/s2059798319010866. [PDB: 6q1d] CMCF-ID Health
Patel, Virat; Battrell, Logan; Anderson, Ryan; Zhu, Ning; Zhang, Lifeng et al. (2019). Investigating effect of different gas diffusion layers on water droplet characteristics for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44(33) , 18340-18350. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.05.111. BMIT-BM Materials
Wong, Andy; Hewett, Dan; Billinghurst, Brant B.; Hodges, James N.; Bernath, Peter F. et al. (2019). He and H2 broadened propane cross sections in the 3 µm region at cold temperatures. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 232, 104-107. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.04.038. FAR-IR Materials
Jiang, Kun; Back, Seoin; Akey, Austin J.; Xia, Chuan; Hu, Yongfeng et al. (2019). Highly selective oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide on transition metal single atom coordination. Nature Communications 10(1) . 10.1038/s41467-019-11992-2. HXMA, SXRMB Materials